Rising Damp Treatment
Rising Damp Is Probably The Most Common Problem
Particularly common in older buildings, rising damp is probably the most common problem I am asked to investigate. Caused by moisture rising by capillary action through the stone/brickwork, it can cause secondary problems such as dry/wet rot and salt contamination to plaster.
In most circumstances, rising damp treatment takes the form of an injection of a chemical damp proof course and the removal and renewal of the affected plaster, but other solutions are also available:
In most circumstances, rising damp treatment takes the form of an injection of a chemical damp proof course and the removal and renewal of the affected plaster, but other solutions are also available:
Keith Rennie

Membrane Systems
Fixed directly to the wall using proprietary fixings, the membrane damp proofing systems have many advantages over conventional systems namely:
- you do not need to wait 6 months before you decorate
- it has the ability to deal with penetrating damp caused by high ground levels
This system is similar to our basement waterproofing system.
Timber Decay Treatment
This process involves passing a charge through a titanium wire which is linked to a series of anodes and earthed using a ground rod.
This system has the advantage of being faster to install and is reversible. This makes it particularly effective when dealing with listed/historic buildings which may allow chemical injection.
This system has the advantage of being faster to install and is reversible. This makes it particularly effective when dealing with listed/historic buildings which may allow chemical injection.
Request A Survey
Keith Rennie Ltd. offers damp surveys and rising damp treatment across the Scottish Borders, north Northumberland & the Lothians, so if you’d like to have your property assessed or receive a quote, please get in touch today.